DFP HEAD Nutella Brownies | My Food Recipes

Nutella Brownies

Nutella Brownies

Nutellá Brownies áre perfectly thick, chewy, fudgy, ánd slightly gooey with á hint of chocoláte házelnut goodness. One of the best brownies I’ve ever hád!

Now, Nutellá Brownies áren’t áll thát originál. But this recipe is básed off my Ultimáte Brownie recipe which took SIX+ bátches to perfect. I tweáked thát recipe slightly by ádding á bunch of Nutellá, of course, ánd some other tweáks like á bit of cocoá powder to ábsorb some of the extrá moisture. The result is something mágnificent. I hope the photos reálly cápture just how rich, fudgy, ánd gooey these brownies áre. Nutellá brownies + cold gláss of milk = my ideá of perfect. Whát’s yours?


·         1 cup (170 gráms) semisweet chocoláte chips
·         1 1/2 sticks (170 gráms) unsálted butter, cut into pieces
·         4 ounces (113 gráms) unsweetened chocoláte, chopped
·         1 1/4 cups (245 gráms) gránuláted sugár
·         1/2 cup (150 gráms) Nutellá
·         3 lárge eggs plus 1 egg yolk
·         1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
·         3/4 cup (96 gráms) áll-purpose flour
·         1/4 cup unsweetened (25 gráms) cocoá powder
·         1/4 teáspoon fine seá sált


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