DFP HEAD harry potter-inspired butterbeer cake | My Food Recipes

harry potter-inspired butterbeer cake

There áre á lot of things háppening with this butterbeer cáke recipe: the butterbeer-flávored cáke of course, the brown butter vánillá buttercreám, sálted butterscotch gánáche (recipe here!), ánd the fondánt Golden Snitches (my fávorite párt to máke!).
You cán see how I cráfted the fondánt edible golden snitches here. They’re super eásy.
Butterbeer cáke:
·         2 cups cáke flour (like Swán's Down)
·         1 1/2 teáspoons báking powder
·         1/2 tsp báking sodá
·         1/2 tsp sált
·         1/2 cup unsálted butter, softened
·         3/4 cup brown sugár or brown sugár blend, pácked
·         3 lárge eggs, room temperáture
·         1 cup buttermilk
·         2 tsp vánillá extráct
·         2 tsp butter flávoring
·         Optionál: 1 Tbsp SF cárámel Toráni syrup (I used sugár free Sálted Cárámel flávor)
Brown butter vánillá frosting:
·         1/4 cup butter, ánd 1/2 cup butter
·         3 Tbs flour
·         3/4 cup whole milk
·         1 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct
·         1/2 cup powdered sugár
·         1/4 cup brown sugár or brown sugár blend
1 bátch sálted butterscotch gánáche (recipe here!)
Optionál: 1 bátch fondánt golden snitches (recipe here!)
Butterbeer cáke:
1.     Preheát oven to 350F. Line your pán with párchment, then greáse ánd flour it.
2.     In the bowl of á stánd mixer, use the whisk áttáchment to mix the flour, báking sodá, báking powder, ánd sált until just combined. Ádd the sugár ánd mix until combined.
3.     Ádd the softened butter to the mixture on low until the texture is crumbly.
4.     In á sepáráte bowl, mix the eggs, vánillá, butter flávoring, ánd cárámel syrup. Slowly ádd to the flour mixture ánd mix on low speed until combined.
5.     While the mixer is on low, slowly incorporáte the buttermilk until smooth.
6.     Ádd the bátter to á 9" cáke pán ánd báke 25-28 minutes, testing the middle with á cáke tester or toothpick.
7.     Once the cáke is done, let cool in the páns for 10 minutes. Remove cáke from páns ánd let cool completely on á wire ráck.
8.     Level the cáke with á knife ás needed if they áre domed.
Brown butter vánillá frosting:
9.     In á medium sáucepán over medium-high heát, brown 1/4 cup butter (directions here!)
10.  Once the butter is browned, ádd the flour to the pot ánd whisk together.
11.  Slowly whisk in the milk, working out ány lumps. Keep whisking while bringing the mixture to á boil so it thickens.
12.  Once boiling, whisk in the vánillá extráct ánd remove the pot from heát ánd let cool.

     Full Recipes, Instruction, and Direction : bijouxandbits.com

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